Real-time monitoring and vizualization, success factors for the modern warehouse in manufacturing

Home / Manufacturing / Real-time monitoring and vizualization, success factors for the modern warehouse in manufacturing

We have written in our previous articles about the importance of the warehouse for any company, including manufacturers, which are facing quite a lot of challenges, and the warehouse is certainly one of them.

Manufacturers need a sophisticated solution for logistics, which in addition to finished products, would be able to manage and track raw materials and subassemblies, optimize material flow through the production hall, automate and monitor processes quality control and, ultimately, increase production.

For producers, the warehouse is a margin amplifier and a way to keep it competitive, but for this they need to monitor and visualize in real time the exact level of stocks and their location, as well as to monitor and guide the activity of the operators so that the production tasks are met in time and in full.

If you’ve read our articles about FluxVision, the last generation WMS, you already know that it allows real-time operator guidance as well as a 3D view of storage locations. What does that mean as a benefit? It’s simple, even if the operators do not know the warehouse or can not form the shortest route themselves, they are guided by the WMS system, which reduces deadlines, optimizes routes and increases productivity. By viewing 3D storage locations, you can identify the desired storage spaces at any time, improve warehouse visibility and traceability of inventory items.

Another benefit that FluxVision brings is that it allows you to monitor raw material consumption throughout the production stream and at the same time optimize management for both raw and finite materials, subassemblies and auxiliary materials such as be labels or packaging, which ultimately translates into compliance with quality standards through monitoring to batch level.

Information is very important in any warehouse, and our advice is to invest in such a system if you do not already have it. As on production lines, monitoring and viewing real-time information is equally important if you want a cost-effective warehouse. More and more companies are beginning to understand the contribution WMS has in reducing cost.

By implementing a management system, you will see an increase in warehouse efficiency, including at the communication level. Messages and tasks are delivered much easier and more automated, operators only have to follow the directions they get directly on the screens of mobile devices.

So if you are in the position of investing in the acquisition and deployment of a WMS, be sure to be very careful if the system allows real-time monitoring and viewing of information, but also how flexible and how easy it can be to map the WMS solution your organization’s deposit, how easy it can be to configure and adapt to your own needs.

FluxVision WMS is a key component in efficient warehouse management and inventory optimization. This optimizes all the operations that take place in the warehouse, from reception to delivery. The FluxVision application turns all warehouse operations into simple, intuitive and paperless operations.

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