It’s time for the mandatory annual inventory

Home / Inventory / It’s time for the mandatory annual inventory

By the end of year most companies significantly increase their activity due to the desire to grow the volume of orders, organising promotional campaigns or events dedicated to the holiday season. Besides these, there is however, a mandatory activity and that requires time, attention to details and especially patience. It is, of course, the mandatory annual inventory.

Patrimonial goods are subject to inventory all of society:

  • Stocks (raw materials, inventory, supplies, production in progress, finished goods and inventories held by third parties)
  • Tangible assets (land, assets, buildings, machinery)
  • Intangible assets (patents, concessions)
  • Financial assets (securities, receivables)
  • Cash

This involves determining the actual situation of all types of assets, liabilities, equities, but also goods and values held by any company.

Save time and money with cloud inventory

Instead of having to spend all either uploading inventory personally, or else having employees or contractors do it, inventory cloud systems let you handle this in just a few steps. Generally, all you have to do is first type up an inventory list or else transfer it from whatever old system you’re using. Then, you just quickly scan the barcodes of your items. If you don’t have a separate device for this, you can often do it with a smart-phone. And that’s it; everything will then be available on your account through the service you use.

You will then have full access to reports and every manner of information manipulation. This includes exporting this information to a number of different mediums, depending on the application used.

WiData Inventory simply requires a monthly rate which is not generally that expensive. The advantage here is that you don’t have to worry about a license or an extra fee for setup, or even for a lengthy setup process with a lot of extra equipment. In addition, our cloud inventory system is completely flexible about which device you use. If you have a high-level business computer, this will work. On the other hand, if you have the lowest grade smart-phone available on the market, this will work as well.

You’ll have access through both in-house equipment and any handset that you need to use it to ensure portability. This way, you can stay on top of your inventory no matter where you are, not just in town, but anywhere in the world.

We have also written here about the benefits using a cloud inventory solution.

For further details about WiData Inventory please click here.

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